Mac OS X Snow Leopard cuts in half the launch-time overhead of
starting the Objective-C runtime, and simultaneously saves a few
hundred KB of memory per app. This comes for free to every app,
courtesy of one of the few pieces of Mac OS X that lives below
even the Objective-C runtime: dyld.
dyld and the shared cache
dyld is the dynamic loader and linker. When your process starts,
dyld loads your executable and its shared libraries into memory,
links the cross-library C function and variable references
together, and starts execution on its way towards
main() .
In theory a shared library could be different every time your
program is run. In practice, you get the same version of
the shared libraries almost every time you run, and so does every
other process on the system. The system takes advantage of this by
building the dyld shared cache. The shared cache contains a copy
of many system libraries, with most of dyld's linking and loading
work done in advance. Every process can then share that shared
cache, saving memory and launch time.
(Incidentally, the shared cache beats the pants off the pre-Leopard
prebinding system that was supposed to achieve the same
optimizations. Remember the post-install "Optimizing System
Performance" step that often took longer than the install itself?
That was prebinding being updated. Rebuilding the shared cache is
so blazingly fast that the installer doesn't bother to report it
Objective-C selector uniquing
Leopard's dyld shared cache is great for C code, but it didn't do
anything to help Objective-C's startup overhead. The single
biggest launch cost for Objective-C is selector uniquing. The app
and every shared library contain their own copies of selector
names like "alloc" and "init". The runtime needs to choose a
single canonical SEL pointer value for each selector name, and
then update the metadata for every call site and method list to
use the blessed unique value. This means building a big hash table
(memory), calling strcmp() a lot (time), and
modifying copy-on-write metadata (more memory).
There are tens of thousands of unique selectors present in a
typical process. If you run `strings
/usr/lib/libobjc.dylib` on Leopard you can see the
selector table that was a previous attempt to reduce the
cost. Even so the cost goes up with every new class and
method added to Cocoa.framework; left unchecked, an identical app
would take longer to launch and use more memory after every OS
The obvious solution? Do the work of selector uniquing in the dyld
shared cache. Build a selector table into the shared cache itself,
and update the selector references in the cached copy of the
shared libraries. Then you save memory because every process
shares the same selector table, and save time because the runtime
does not need to rebuild it during every app launch. The runtime
only needs to fix the selector references from the app itself. The
Selectors are too dynamic to be implemented as C symbols, so the
shared cache construction tool needed to be taught how to read and
write Objective-C's metadata.
Optimization WIN
Snow Leopard's dyld shared cache uniques Objective-C selectors,
and Snow Leopard's Objective-C runtime recognizes when the
selectors in a shared library are already uniqued courtesy of the
shared cache. About half of the runtime's initialization time is
eliminated, making warm app launch several tenths of a second
faster. Typical memory savings is 200-500 KB per process,
adding up to a few megabytes system-wide. When this optimization
ships on the iPhone OS side, it's estimated to save 1 MB on a 128
MB device. The iPhone performance team would pay any number of
arms and legs for that kind of gain.
You can watch the system in action with various debugging flags.
$ sudo /usr/bin/update_dyld_shared_cache -debug -verify
update_dyld_shared_cache: for x86_64, uniquing objc selectors
update_dyld_shared_cache: for x86_64, found 68761 unique objc selectors
update_dyld_shared_cache: for x86_64, 541736/590908 bytes (91%) used in libobjc unique selector section
update_dyld_shared_cache: for x86_64, updated 205230 selector references
objc[424]: PREOPTIMIZATION: selector preoptimization ENABLED (version 3)
objc[424]: PREOPTIMIZATION: honoring preoptimized selectors in /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
objc[424]: PREOPTIMIZATION: honoring preoptimized selectors in /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
objc[424]: PREOPTIMIZATION: honoring preoptimized selectors in /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Metadata
objc[424]: PREOPTIMIZATION: honoring preoptimized selectors in /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
You can estimate the memory savings with the
allmemory tool. Record post-launch memory usage of an
app run with and without environment variable
of dirty pages; each dirty page is 4 KB eaten by that
process. With 64-bit TextEdit I see the dirty page count jump from
725 to 1069 after disabling the optimization. This is an
overestimate - many of those pages would have been not-dirty in
Leopard because of the old built-in selector table - but it does
show the magnitude of the win.
The Objective-C runtime does more than just selector uniquing
during launch. Future improvements to the dyld shared cache may
precompute some of that other work, to further improve launch
time, save memory, and reduce the cost of linking to Objective-C
code that you don't actually use. But selector uniquing as seen in
Snow Leopard is by far the biggest bang for the buck.